Did you know that the females of most mosquito species can pierce the skin of the host in order to extract blood, which contains the iron and protein needed for egg production? They feed on the blood of various hosts including some fish and amphibians, mammals, birds, and reptiles. The saliva transmitted by the mosquito can cause rashes and itching. Many mosquitoes also ingest or inject disease-causing organisms with the bite and are a vector for disease transmission. These include Zika, Filariasis, Dengue Fever, West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever, Malaria, and Chikungunya.
Mosquitoes kill over 700,000 people per year, more than any other animal.
There are over 50 types of mosquitoes in Missouri and these are the ones most likely to bother you.
These mosquitoes are known for their transmission of West Nile. They also transmit heartworms. They have white markings on their abdomen and the rest of them is brown. They are commonly found in cities, as well as rural areas. They bite during the evening hours and rest during the daytime in areas that are moist and shaded. They lay eggs in many places such as septic system water, catch basins, tree holes, ditches, sewage, flower pots, bird baths, buckets, and gutters; essentially anything that holds water. They need old, stagnant water to lay eggs. They do not fly far from where they developed as larvae. They can also overwinter in places like basements, crawl spaces, and sewers.
These mosquitoes also transmit disease to humans. The Asian Tiger Mosquito was introduced to the USA through the tire industry from Japan. They have white and black striped legs, and a small white and black striped body. They breed in containers that hold water such as used tires and logs, stumps, and tree holes. They bite during the day and are found in rural wooded areas. The yellow fever mosquito is mostly found near human dwellings. They are in large populations in towns and cities. They only fly a few hundred yards from breeding spots. They feed in the early morning and late afternoon but will also feed under lights. Human blood is their preference and they like to bite ankles.
In St. Louis in 1933, there were many cases of encephalitis, an illness transmitted by mosquitoes. Over 1,000 people were affected in about 5 weeks. On average 125 people in the USA are infected with encephalitis yearly. It can be fatal although it is usually mild. In Cole County, the health department keeps track of illness from mosquitoes. Carriers of illness are called vectors, this includes mosquitoes. It is required that there is monitoring of the data of reported illness such as West Nile from April to September. The risk is low, however, there is still a risk. The yellow fever mosquito transmits the Zika virus. The illness made its way to the USA about 3 years ago. The CDC predicted that
through human travel, weather patterns, and other conditions, that this species is likely to occur all the way up to Missouri," said David Claborn, director of the master of the public health program at Missouri State University. "There had been yellow fever outbreaks in this region 100 years ago," said Claborn. In a study, Kansas City and St. Louis were in the top 15 of mosquito-infested cities.
If mosquitoes are attacking your home, business, or even in your garden outside, call Triplett Pest Solutions today. We will come out and inspect the property, identify the issue, and create a treatment plan that will lead you to a safe, and pest free environment once and for all.