Swarms of bugs are an every day occurrence is Missouri during the summer months. However, if you have a hidden infestation of termites in your home, you will eventually see a swarm in your home during the springs months. If you miss the swarm you will surely see signs of it.
When a termite colony has reached maturation, the mature termites, called alates, will swarm, looking for a mate. Once they have mated, they will lose their wings and search for a place to start a colony of their own. So, if you should find a pile of discarded wings there is trouble hiding in your home and call us today at Triplett Pest Solutions.
The Queen termite can live up to 25 years and after a few years, can produce more than 2000 eggs in one day. Termites colonies don’t just grow, they explode. The Eastern Subterranean Termite is prevalent in Missouri and it is estimated that 1 in five homes have been or will be attacked. Subterranean termites will get into your home through the soil around your house. Infestations happen when these termite workers locate structural wood that is in contact with soil. Infestations will also occur when termites build shelter tubes in the soil that goes across foundation walls and into structural wood.
According to the
University of Missouri, subterranean termites may also gain access through cracks in the slab or seams where plumbing and electrical lines penetrate the concrete.
Eastern subterranean termites
are highly destructive to Douglas fir and other common building timbers. They can rapidly eat out the internal sections of structural timbers - devouring mainly the spring wood and preferring to leave the harder summer wood sections.
If you come across the termite colony, do not disturb them as they will leave the infested area, move the colony elsewhere and spread their destruction. Call us immediately at Triplett Pest Solutions. We are experts in termite control and elimination. We will take care of the issue and potentially save you thousands and thousands of dollars in repair work. Termites cause over 5 billion dollars damage in the United States and we don’t want you to be part of that growing number.