Technology has grown by leaps and bounds. It is a time when only our imagination can stop us. Whether we like it or not the world has changed. Yes we are still playing the same game but the setting and the rules have changed. Can the game be won? I like to think so.
Now I could take the time to go down memory lane and talk about rotary phones, reading a map, encyclopedias, and even Polaroid cameras. But I don’t see the need we all know that these thing are a distant memory.
But I will talk about how the one thing we should never let technology take over is human touch. Yes a computer can figure a estimate, make a phone call, even be programmed to do the work at times. But a computer is unable to feel passion, compassion or look at anything beyond a programmed set of numbers. People seem to underestimate the power of a handshake or even a hug. The power of looking a customer square in the eyes and debating a price.
I hope that I am not around when technology finds a way to replace what I consider to be the greatest computer ever made. The computer that has been studied since the beginning of time. The computer that is still unlocking its uncharted potential daily. The computer that operates on feelings and compassion. Many have attempted to copy this computer but no one has been able to duplicate it as of yet. The human brain.
So my personal suggestion is use GPS to find the job, use Google to price the job, use technology to accomplish the job. But in the end use the handshake or a hug to close the job.